the soapbox

our intentional LIVING and SKINCARE blog

Take a stroll though the blog and read on for tips, tools, and musings about restoring your skin through natural skincare + cultivating a simple life.

Hope Toole Hope Toole

*Natural* Butters

ALoe Butter, Cocoa Butter, Blueberry Butter….some are real, some are not. How can you tell?

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Hope Toole Hope Toole

Skin 101


(You pronounce it just like it’s spelled- in teg’ yoo men’ tuh ree)

If you are like most of us we forgot to pay much attention during history class. So, when they talked about your Integumentary system…oh wait, that was Science class. Anyway, back to your integumentary system.

Skin, together with your hair, nails, sweat and oil glands, all make up your integumentary system. Lots of stuff we could talk about (And hair and sweat will probably be the subject of future blogs, so stay tuned.), but our focus today will be the skin. Your skin is your largest organ. That being said, it’s important to take good care of this organ! Now, perhaps you’re wondering what makes it an organ, as it’s nothing like your liver or heart. Well, the simple scientific definition of an organ is simply a group of tissues working together to carry out specific functions or jobs. You likely heard early in life that if your skin is intact, it’ll keep the bad stuff out & the good stuff in 😉 . If you have an excellent memory, you may remember that the top layer is the epidermis, & the next layer is the dermis. Taking care of this organ is not luxury, it’s good stewardship!

Here are some interesting, fun facts about this vital organ, skin:

The epidermis is responsible for protecting your bloodstream from pathogens.

The dermis contains connective tissue & nerves, as well as blood vessels, hair follicles, oil & sweat glands.

The average adult sheds about 2 lbs of skin cells a year!

The thickness of your skin ranges from less than .5mm on your eyelids to greater than 1.5mm on the soles of your feet.

Once for ounce, your skin is stronger than steel!

Your skin makes up approximately 15% of your total body weight. This means if you weigh what the average American weighs, which is about 178 lbs, your skin weighs around 27 pounds.

Melanocytes are the biological reason behind different skin color in people, while Porphyrin, Carotenoids, and Flavonoids are responsible for the color variety in plants!

An average square inch of skin holds approx. 600 sweat glands, 20 feet of blood vessels, 60,000 melanocytes, & often more than 1,000 nerve endings.

One square inch of skin has approximately 20 million cells.

Your skin sheds over 20,000 cells per minute, over a Trillion cells per year!

You should use Spero Soaps & Body Products to take care of it. While this has yet to be scientifically proven, the replication of happy customers could just do this (remember, to be “scientific” it has to be repeatable and observable, therefore…) 😉 😉

Now we’re not saying that if you don’t use our products that you’ll come unglued & spill everywhere, lol. But please take good care of this organ, partly by putting as few synthetic chemicals on your skin as possible!.

Skin Cross-Section courtesy of

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Hope Toole Hope Toole

Chocolate Chip Scones

Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Hope Toole Hope Toole

The Legend…

Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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